The mission of FCA is to create a nurturing environment that encourages and equips its students to fully seek truth for their lives, producing citizen-leaders of excellence, wisdom, and Christian faith.
Freedom Christian Academy seeks to prepare students to be internally driven to practice servant-leadership with a Biblical view clearly focused on service in all aspects of life evident in teamwork, integrity, Godly service, and generous stewardship.
Freedom Christian Academy seeks to equip students with 21st Century fluencies, to think critically, work collaboratively, engage in discovery and investigation, and think globally through a Biblical lens.
Freedom Christian Academy seeks to inspire students to acquire, understand, internalize, demonstrate, and articulate Biblical principles and lead others into a relationship with Jesus Christ, consistent with the instruction of the Great Commission.
Freedom Christian Academy seeks to motivate students to develop a strong sense of community and love for the country through a contributory mind-set rather than a consuming approach in all parts of society including family, community service, faith, resources, knowledge, time, talents, and wisdom.